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:heavy_check_mark: segtree_lazy(遅延評価セグメント木) (tree/segtree_lazy.cpp)


区間取得・区間更新可能な要素数 $n$ のセグメント木. 各要素について更新時の作用素を保持しておき,値が必要になるタイミングで要素と作用素をマージする.


op(l, r) は要素の二項演算,f_upd(x, m) は要素と作用素をマージする二項演算,f_lz(l, r) は作用素を蓄積するときの二項演算(マージ順は l $\to$ r). ex は要素の単位元,em は作用素の単位元. $n \leq 10^8$ 程度.


idx, L, R は 0-indexed である.


各二項演算の計算量を $O(1)$ と仮定したときの計算量を示す.


Range Matrix Multiplication


using mat = matrix<T>;

auto op = /* 任意の範囲取得クエリ */;
mat ex = /* opの単位元 */;

/* ある行列Aに行列Bを掛ける操作をすることは、Bを左から掛けることに相当する */
auto f_upd = [](mat A, mat B) { return B * A; };
mat em = mat::Indentity();

auto seg = segtree_lazy(v /* or N */, op, f_upd, f_upd, ex, em);

Verified with


#pragma once

#ifndef call_include
#define call_include
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

template<typename T, typename M> struct segtree_lazy {
	using F = function<T(T, T)>;
	using FU = function<T(T, M)>;
	using FM = function<M(M, M)>;

	int siz = 1, N;
	vector<T> node;
	vector<M> lazy;
	const F op;
	const FU f_upd;
	const FM f_lz;
	const T ex;
	const M em;

	segtree_lazy(int n, const F op, const FU f_upd, const FM f_lz, const T ex, const M em) :
		N(n), op(op), f_upd(f_upd), f_lz(f_lz), ex(ex), em(em) {
		while(siz < N) siz <<= 1;
		node.resize(2 * siz - 1, ex);
		lazy.resize(2 * siz - 1, em);
	segtree_lazy(vector<T> &v, const F op, const FU f_upd, const FM f_lz, const T ex, const M em) :
		N(v.size()), op(op), f_upd(f_upd), f_lz(f_lz), ex(ex), em(em) {
		while(siz < N) siz <<= 1;
		node.resize(2 * siz - 1, ex);
		lazy.resize(2 * siz - 1, em);
		for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) node[siz - 1 + i] = v[i];
		for(int i = siz - 2; i >= 0; i--) node[i] = op(node[2 * i + 1], node[2 * i + 2]);

	void update(int idx, M val) {
		assert(0 <= idx && idx < N);
		upd__(idx, idx + 1, 0, val, 0, siz);
	void update(int L, int R, M val) {
		if(L < 0) L = 0;
		if(R > N) R = N;
		assert(L < R);
		upd__(L, R, 0, val, 0, siz);

	T get(int idx) {
		assert(0 <= idx && idx < N);
		return get__(idx, idx + 1, 0, 0, siz);
	T get(int L, int R) {
		if(L < 0) L = 0;
		if(R > N) R = N;
		assert(L < R);
		return get__(L, R, 0, 0, siz);

	void eval(int idx) {
		if(lazy[idx] == em) return;
		if(idx < siz - 1) {
			lazy[2 * idx + 1] = f_lz(lazy[2 * idx + 1], lazy[idx]);
			lazy[2 * idx + 2] = f_lz(lazy[2 * idx + 2], lazy[idx]);
		node[idx] = f_upd(node[idx], lazy[idx]);
		lazy[idx] = em;

	void upd__(int L, int R, int idx, M val, int l, int r) {
		if(r <= L || R <= l) return;
		if(L <= l && r <= R) {
			lazy[idx] = f_lz(lazy[idx], val);
		else {
			upd__(L, R, 2 * idx + 1, val, l, (l + r) / 2);
			upd__(L, R, 2 * idx + 2, val, (l + r) / 2, r);
			node[idx] = op(node[2 * idx + 1], node[2 * idx + 2]);

	T get__(int L, int R, int idx, int l, int r) {
		if(r <= L || R <= l) return ex;
		if(L <= l && r <= R) return node[idx];
		T vl = get__(L, R, 2 * idx + 1, l, (l + r) / 2);
		T vr = get__(L, R, 2 * idx + 2, (l + r) / 2, r);
		return op(vl, vr);
#line 2 "tree/segtree_lazy.cpp"

#ifndef call_include
#define call_include
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

template<typename T, typename M> struct segtree_lazy {
	using F = function<T(T, T)>;
	using FU = function<T(T, M)>;
	using FM = function<M(M, M)>;

	int siz = 1, N;
	vector<T> node;
	vector<M> lazy;
	const F op;
	const FU f_upd;
	const FM f_lz;
	const T ex;
	const M em;

	segtree_lazy(int n, const F op, const FU f_upd, const FM f_lz, const T ex, const M em) :
		N(n), op(op), f_upd(f_upd), f_lz(f_lz), ex(ex), em(em) {
		while(siz < N) siz <<= 1;
		node.resize(2 * siz - 1, ex);
		lazy.resize(2 * siz - 1, em);
	segtree_lazy(vector<T> &v, const F op, const FU f_upd, const FM f_lz, const T ex, const M em) :
		N(v.size()), op(op), f_upd(f_upd), f_lz(f_lz), ex(ex), em(em) {
		while(siz < N) siz <<= 1;
		node.resize(2 * siz - 1, ex);
		lazy.resize(2 * siz - 1, em);
		for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) node[siz - 1 + i] = v[i];
		for(int i = siz - 2; i >= 0; i--) node[i] = op(node[2 * i + 1], node[2 * i + 2]);

	void update(int idx, M val) {
		assert(0 <= idx && idx < N);
		upd__(idx, idx + 1, 0, val, 0, siz);
	void update(int L, int R, M val) {
		if(L < 0) L = 0;
		if(R > N) R = N;
		assert(L < R);
		upd__(L, R, 0, val, 0, siz);

	T get(int idx) {
		assert(0 <= idx && idx < N);
		return get__(idx, idx + 1, 0, 0, siz);
	T get(int L, int R) {
		if(L < 0) L = 0;
		if(R > N) R = N;
		assert(L < R);
		return get__(L, R, 0, 0, siz);

	void eval(int idx) {
		if(lazy[idx] == em) return;
		if(idx < siz - 1) {
			lazy[2 * idx + 1] = f_lz(lazy[2 * idx + 1], lazy[idx]);
			lazy[2 * idx + 2] = f_lz(lazy[2 * idx + 2], lazy[idx]);
		node[idx] = f_upd(node[idx], lazy[idx]);
		lazy[idx] = em;

	void upd__(int L, int R, int idx, M val, int l, int r) {
		if(r <= L || R <= l) return;
		if(L <= l && r <= R) {
			lazy[idx] = f_lz(lazy[idx], val);
		else {
			upd__(L, R, 2 * idx + 1, val, l, (l + r) / 2);
			upd__(L, R, 2 * idx + 2, val, (l + r) / 2, r);
			node[idx] = op(node[2 * idx + 1], node[2 * idx + 2]);

	T get__(int L, int R, int idx, int l, int r) {
		if(r <= L || R <= l) return ex;
		if(L <= l && r <= R) return node[idx];
		T vl = get__(L, R, 2 * idx + 1, l, (l + r) / 2);
		T vr = get__(L, R, 2 * idx + 2, (l + r) / 2, r);
		return op(vl, vr);
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